
Tag: gift

019: Christmas Cheer

It’s here, the long hard final push to the holidays. One more weekend of last minute holiday parties followed immediately by Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. For me this mean a gluttony of spending time with family and friends, wantonly eating everything that comes in front of you, and consuming booze in copious and varied quantities. So How Many Beards is here to give you a few tips on how successfully navigate the coming gauntlet that doesn’t end until you’re nursing black coffee, nibbling a toast and honey, and watching Mean Girls while moaning on the couch on January 1st.


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006: The Tuesday Breakdown 11.28.12 Holiday Wishlist Edition Part 1

Look at that. It’s Tuesday again already. Take a little break from your daily drudge and gaze upon the things I am most desiring this December since it contains both Christmas and my birthday.

1. Cards Against Humanity [$25/Free]

Do you like Apples to Apples? Do you have what some people might politely call a dark sense of humor? Do you and your friends like to have something fun to do while sitting around drinking? If you answered Yes to any of these questions than Cards Against Humanity might be for you. I haven’t played it yet, but based solely on description I want it. Only made in small batches and becoming incredibly popular means it is often sold out, but the good news is you can print out a version at home for just the cost of ink and paper. Or if you have a corporate job where they don’t track your printing it’s free!

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